Beat The CFAs!

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Ok, so it's been an admittedly tough week of studying because of other events going on in the real world. While I know that it's better just to catch up when you're in the mood, I'm just enough of a compulsive person that I feel guilty about being out of schedule. But then I remembered a talk a guy from my work gave a few weeks ago. He's a CFA, but while his title involves investments, he's currently working on providing investment platform software solutions for some of the financial advisors at our firm. Anyways, I say that to minimize the idea that this guy is working on a trading desk or is an analyst who is engulfed in CFA-related material 24/7. What struck me was the passion and convinction in his voice when he spoke of how much he loved investments. He was so animated recalling his passion for the exam that it made me realize - hey, stop even thinking this as studying or preparing for an exam - that's just a byproduct. Think of this as something you can truly learn from and have an contribution to your company, personal investments, and general knowledge. This material is something that can be mastered - like a fine crafstman or a basketball player who comes early and stays late. So it helps to see the bigger picture, and from that, I think it helps energize myself.

Of course, now, I have to see if I can catch up on 150 pages today!


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